Private Strength and Conditioning Coach in Tacoma | Get Faster, Stronger, & Healthier

Offensive Line specialist in Tacoma Wa


S T R E N G T H A N D C O N D I T I O N I N G C O A C H 

PHONE: 951.526.4191 EMAIL: 


As a former Division I football player, Brent Roling of Coach B Strength and Conditioning (website) was able to grow within and study a top-tier strength and conditioning program. Roling’s  athletic background has contributed to his professional philosophy, which  is focused on developing functional strength, movement efficiency (in all planes of movement), joint  stabilization, sound dietary habits and effective adaptation to external stressors for all athletes that he coaches.  

Football Coach in Tacoma

Roling provides football coaching in Tacoma

Roling is currently working as the head strength and conditioning coach at University of Puget Sound (UPS) in Tacoma and his job is to make sure that our athletes stay as fast, strong, and most  importantly, healthy as possible.  He started this position seeking to create a culture of understanding and excitement for strength and conditioning in the Tacoma university.  He wanted to bring a division I mindset to a division III  school, and since his arrival, UPS athletes have had full access to comprehensive nutrition counseling, year-round strength and conditioning programming, and extensive mobility and recovery protocols. 

Throughout Coach B’s years at the University of Puget Sound, he has programmed for and coached every  sport on campus. Teams and individual athletes have consistently been competitive within the  conference, reached conference playoffs, and even competed at the NCAA national level. While  these athletes were already incredibly gifted on their own, the strength coach’s approach on strength and conditioning  has allowed them to reach their full potential. 

It starts with assessment of the individual athlete. Roling administers surveys to monitor recovery progress,  mood, sleep, dietary habits, stress, and other subjective factors that could potentially affect the health  of our athletes. This allows keeping track of subjective measures of performance even during  times when not working with athletes directly. When he can am with them directly, the strength and condtioning coach conducts  movement assessments to determine which areas are in need to work on most in our strength training to  both increase athletic performance and reduce injury risk.

“This methodology has led to a dramatic decrease in the prevalence of both acute traumatic and chronic overuse injuries. Using soccer as an  example: prior to my arrival there were 5 ACL tears in two years. Since my arrival we have had zero.”  Brent Roling

The competitive advantage and decreased injury rate under Roling’s coaching has completely changed  the culture of strength and conditioning at University of Puget Sound. Every coach that he works with has explicitly stated that their teams have never been faster, stronger, healthier, or more bought into  strength and conditioning.  

Coach Roling is I looking forward to the opportunity to bring his proven approach to Fairo Sport athletes nationwide and is currently supporting Fairo Goalkeeping in Tacoma with extra nueromuscular and coordination training. 

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